INTRODUCTION  My father often said to me, “Nkem my daughter, you will be victorious in life if  you   remain determined.” 

These words kept echoing in my heart while growing up. My father told me that his father said those words to him and he had experienced the truth in them all through his life. Therefore he wanted me to take them at heart too. As a young child, I would sit and ponder on my father’s words. I often asked myself, if, with the financial hardships we experienced at the time, I would ever realise my dream of becoming a renowned neuro-surgeon.

Today I am an accomplished neuro-surgeon. Iam now thirty five years old, having spent some of my life as a street child, a victim of child abuse, and of human trafficking and slavery. I truly thank God for making me a victorious one in all my trials. After several years of being away from our village, I returned home. There I was standing before my parents’ graves in the family compound. I went to tell them that, “Yes, Papa and Mama, I did make it to become a neuro-surgeon.” Thanks to their prayers from heaven. I believe, they have been watching over me all through these years.

My deepest regret was not having to see them alive again. After my father’s death, being the last child, I became very close to my mother. I was taken away from her on that fateful day when a distant relative, an ‘aunt’, came calling, offering to assist my mother in raising me up. I was later informed that my mother died the day after I left home. Although I was physically separated from her, I often saw her in my dreams. I still treasure my father’s words to me and I will teach them to my 
children and their children.  

For a copy: Visit Pauline Sisters
                    Kado Kuchi

The story is about Child Abuse, and Child Trafficking.  

This is to draw parents attention that
offenders are either close relatives, friends or those who have information about their families.  Pick a copy to educate your child. We need to fight against child abuse in all forms.

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