A short story for children, and youths on child abuse, child trafficking and societal ills. The book is a tribute to all Adults who are guardian and protector of children. The names and characters in the story are imaginations of the authors. God willing I hope to post the French Version of the Story.
Joyful Freedom Aunty Agatha and I were in tears while we listened to Lucy’s story. She had gone truly through a lot. She would have given up on life if it was not for the grace of God upon her. We embraced her warmly and wept together for a while.
The next day Aunty Agatha decided that she would pay for Lucy’s education at any university of her choice in the country. A young woman who had gone such a traumatic experience deserved every support and love. Oh how Lucy jumped for joy! She was going to share the good news with her parents who were already so eager to see her. I went with Aunty Agatha’s driver to accompany Lucy home in Edo State. What great joy there was in her family after seven long years!
When we returned to Lagos, I was exhausted and feverish. My body became weak from the shock, fatigue and relief from my experience in the hands of Mrs Laraba and her accomplices. I fell ill for some days and Aunty Agatha took good care of me, with Betty’s assistance.
After I recovered, she made sure I ate and rested very well before involving myself again in the activities of the house and shop. I never stopped thanking God for rescuing me from the evil ones. A few months later I got admission into the university to study medicine. It was a tough course but I was determined to succeed. I excelled in all my exams and finally graduated as a neuro-surgeon. My joy knew no bounds when I was conferred with the degree of my dreams!
A Special Gift One evening, Aunty Agatha called me her room. She brought out a little box. I recognised it as the box that her late mother gave her. She gave it to me as a present and said I should have custody of it now that I was a grown woman. I was moved to tears when I opened it. She never stopped being a woman of joyful surprises. Her reason for handing it over to me was to let me know that she was very proud of me and glad that I did not disappoint her.
In the little box was a special set of jewellery. She wanted me to use them on my wedding day. She then prayed for me and asked God to bless with a good husband and children. I could only sob out of joy and gratitude. Indeed my mother in heaven was watching over me and she had sent me to this good mother, my beloved Aunty Agatha.
One day when Kosa was out of town, Doda went to the house to visit Lucy. Knowing that Lucy was alone in the house, he made sexual advances to her and when she refused, he raped her. He became very violent and threatened Lucy that if she told Kosa what had happened, he would change the story and convince his girlfriend that it was Lucy who had made advances to sleep with him.
Her first week in the den was hell. She was beaten daily and made to sleep with several men every evening. She hardly had enough food to eat. Here she was in this unknown place; a sex slave, living worse than an animal, with no freedom. The rule was “do what they tell you and not what you think.” It was and is still a very dehumanizing experience. She felt like committing suicide on several occasions. It seemed God and her loved ones had abandoned her. “What was there to live for? Better to die than continue in the den,” she would often tell herself.
On a second thought, she decided to fight back psychologically and live. She was determined to seek for a way out of the den, no matter how long it would take. You could trust no one there with your secrets but her eyes always raged for freedom. She wanted to see her parents and siblings again and these thoughts gave her courage to live.
Tobi the truck driver was the only one she could confide in. They arrived in the same week. He was made a sex slave and housekeeper for the boss. He suffered greatly. They had attempted to escape on two occasions but their plans were foiled. After living in the den for some years the boss began to entrust responsibilities to them but both of them never lost hope of regaining their freedom.
Therefore when Nkem arrived and Lucy saw in her the younger sister she needed to protect, she took the opportunity to escape with her even if it meant being caught and killed. Fortunately for them Tobi knew so many routes and made friends at the Nigerian border so he could drive in and out without official documents
An Ordeal Never to be Desired
Immediately Aunty Agatha developed a high pressure. She went with Betty to the police station to report that I was missing. Mrs Laraba went to the house to calm her down and made up a story that it was possible I ran away with a young man. Aunty Agatha did not believe her knowing how she had raised me and kept praying for my safe return
The other girls felt sorry for me but could only say, “welcome to our den.” “Oh my God, why have you abandoned me? Virgin Mary where are you?” I called out to my mother and asked her if she was still watching over me. This was the saddest day of my life.
I was told I was in a place far away outside Nigeria. Mrs Laraba must have driven across the border to dump me here. By evening I saw all the girls dressed half naked, with all sorts of skimpy clothes and make-up on their faces. I was told to wait for my initiation and kept in the care of an older girl named Lucy. I asked the initiation meant and what it was going to be like. She told me out rightly, “here we earn our living by sleeping with men. You do not have to like it, you just do what they tell you. The Madam that brought you here will be heavily paid while you work for hours using your body for money.”
I nearly fainted! “So all these stories of human trafficking and forced sex workers were true?” “God please deliver me from this den of prostitutes!” I cried and cried. I could not imagine myself being disvirgined by the sort of men she mentioned to me. I immediately started thinking of a way out of there. This isn’t what God wants for me. No, I will not allow them to ruin my life. I begged Lucy to help me run away, to escape from this dungeon of hell.
I did not sleep that night. I stayed awake, trembling and praying not to be called out to have sex with any of those bad men. Lucy was kind enough to protect me that night. When the owner of the brothel came asking for the new girl, she told him she was very sick and needed a day or two to be well enough for the job. At the sound of his voice I cringed in fear, not wanting him to see or remember my face.
The other girls returned at about 5am. One had a bad cut on her face, she said her client beat her up when she refused to go for more than five rounds with him. She looked weak and in much pain. Lucy helped to clean the cut and apply some ointment on it. Another girl started vomiting profusely, she was pregnant and had been told to abort the pregnancy but the baby refused to die. She was told she had to “flush it out” to continue working or starve to death. Her ill health and the baby were bad news to this business. I said to myself, “what cruelty! No woman deserved this kind of treatment.”
In this den of sex slaves, if you want to run away, you must leave and escape as far as possible. Hanging around in a city or village nearby the den was dangerous and could lead to one being killed. The girls narrated so many frightening stories. One thing was clear from look of the faces of these young girls, most of them were lured to this place and way of life. They were working as sex slaves against their will. They were far away from home, and often felt betrayed, used, destroyed and now too ashamed to return home.
They did not know I heard and understood every word of their
conversation. Mrs Laraba asked the two men to untie and lift me to the back
seat of her jeep. Having done as she instructed them, she gave them some money
and thanked the Baba for his advice. I kept praying to God in my heart. I could
not imagine that someone so pretty could be so evil. Sometimes those we think
are close friends may have hidden, unkind agendas for being close to us. We
must always ask God to give us good and true friends. It was now late in the night. I could tell we were driving through the
bush from the sounds of night insects and leaves. We finally got to the tarred
road and she wound down the side glasses for some cool breeze. I was grateful
for the fresh air, and at this point on this shocking journey, I felt very
hungry. I was able to endure the hunger from my life experience under the Lagos
I started imaginig what story Mrs Laraba would tell my new mother when we got back home. I did not know something worse lay ahead of me. “Oh God, do not abandon me,” was my prayer. Suddenly she stopped, came down from her car, and touched me. I murmured some words as a sign that I was gaining consciousness. She did not want me to be aware of what was happening to me.
Dedication: This book is specially dedicated to all parents, especially those who spend time and resources to raise up those who are not ...
INTRODUCTION My father often said to me, “Nkem my daughter, you will be victorious in life if you remain determined.” These word...
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Abducted for Rituals and Prostitution M other’s most trusted friend, Mrs Laraba, was a very rich and sophisticated lady. She was loved by a...
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